April 28, 2016

RER Inaugurates New Office

The Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) team celebrates its new and improved new office in Pangkalan Kerinci regency, Riau province on 25 April 2016.

Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putera Parthama, Director General of Sustainable Forest Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry officiates the new office in an intimate gathering with RER team of forester, scientist and management team. “The government supports efforts in maintaining ecosystem restoration. RER program is aimed at restoring the area to its natural state,” Parthama said in his speech.

"The government supports efforts in maintaining ecosystem restoration. RER program is aimed at restoring the area to its natural state"

Dr. Petrus Gunarso, APRIL’s Director of Conservation said RER is part of the company’s effort to fulfill its 1-for-1 goal, in which the company commits to conserve one hectare of every hectare planted. So far, APRIL  has fulfilled about 80 percent of this goal, by voluntary conserving High Conservation Value forest inside of its concession in addition to 150,000 hectare under RER.

“APRIL’s operations is guided by the company’s 4Cs:Good for the community, country, climate and company,” he said. 

"APRIL's operations is guided by the company's 4Cs:Good for the community, country, climate and company"

RER 2023 Progress Report