May 02, 2018

Bringing Ecosystem Restoration Closer to Students in Pulau Padang

Partnering with local communities is key to ensuring sustainable results in the RER restoration project. It was for this reason that the RER team spoke to students from Tasik Putri Puyu Senior High School 1 on Pulau Island recently.

The talk, which was also attended by the Head of Kudap Village, was aimed at explaining the work of RER and the importance of restoring the ecosystem on the island and the nearby Kampar Peninsula, on the mainland of Sumatra.

Bringing Ecosystem Restoration Closer to Students in Pulau Padang

A highlight was the section on wildlife monitoring, which included screening video of several rare animals caught on film via motion detecting camera traps.

Children heard about the wildlife monitoring and other tasks that take place within the 20,450 hectares of ecosystem restoration concession area on their island, and learned about the importance of caring for their natural environment.

Topics covered included the seedling nursery which is used to grow new trees to be planted in deforested areas. In 2017 25,644 seeds were planted from 38 species, 2,030 of which are now ready to be transferred to their new homes.

A highlight was the section on wildlife monitoring, which included screening video of several rare animals caught on film via motion detecting camera traps. This raised the interest of, Siti Nurfika, one of the students, who asked how to determine the best location to install camera traps in the forest.

The Head of Kudap Village, Sutrisno SE, said: “The Kudap Village thanks RER for its support to the village program in raising the awareness of the villagers to love the environment.”

Separately, Jaspar, S.Pd., Deputy Head of Tasik Putri Puyu Senior High School 1, said that this plays an important role for the students of his school in teaching them to love the environment where they live.


RER 2023 Progress Report