May 22, 2017

Aiming to Contribute for Productive Economic Growth in Pulau Padang, RER Introduces Freshwater Fish Farming

PULAU PADANG – Wednesday (10/5), 50,000 of catfish seeds were released to three demonstration hatcheries in Selat Akar Village, Tasik Putri Puyu sub-District, Kepulauan Meranti District in the Province of Riau.

Selat Akar Village is one of the center of fishery in Pulau Padang due to its proximity to the sea. Water pollution, climate change issues and high demand for fish has led to the decreased of the fishermen catches.

Spreading catfish seeds by Head of Dusun 1, Selat Akar Village (3th from right ) with RER team of Pulau Padang.

Spreading catfish seeds by Head of Dusun 1, Selat Akar Village (3th from right ) with RER team of Pulau Padang.

Responding to the situation, Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER) together with Acim, Head of Selat Akar Village initiated the development of a freshwater fishery demonstration hatcheries using 5m x 5m and 2m x 2m tarp and paranet ponds of 15m x 8m.

“In addition to gardening and farming, some people of Pulau Padang fulfill their needs through fishing. The enthusiasm of the community for fisheries is high, but the lack of capital and knowledge about freshwater fishery farming techniques is a constraint”, said Acim, Head of the Selat Akar Village.

RER provides catfish seeds, tarpaulins, 30 kg of fish feed and technical assistance on freshwater aquaculture techniques, in cooperation with the Agriculture Field Counsellor Team.

The three demonstration hatcheries will be managed respectively by the Head of Village, Head of Dusun 1 and Head of Dusun 3 together with their communities. Later, the earnings from this farming will be used as seed funding to another hatcheries in the village.

“This freshwater fisheries demonstration hatcheries program is expected to build the passion and spirit of the fishermen to start looking at fish farming, to meet the demand of fish in Pulau Padang, especially the Selat Akar Village”, said Christian, RER Community Development Officer.

Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER) is committed to collaborate with local communities for their well being, and co-manage the forest and fisheries resources for the long-term benefit of the community.


RER 2023 Progress Report