2019: Advancing in Biodiversity Monitoring
RER collaborated with the IUCN Odonata Specialist Group to conduct the first baseline surveys on the Kampar Peninsula for dragonfly’s and damselfly’s resulting in the identification of 28 Odonata species, which some were first time identifications for Riau.
In support of the Government of Indonesia’s 2nd Sumatra Wide Tiger Survey, RER collaborated with SINTAS (Save the Indonesian Nature and Threatened Species) to conduct the first detailed field survey of Sumatran tiger presence on the Kampar Peninsula. Results from the 517,500 ha survey indicated that the Peninsula had one of the highest probabilities of tiger presence as compared to five other priority landscapes in Sumatra.
In the last 2.5 months of 2019, four separate Flat-headed cats, the wetland specialist, were recorded across three of the four RER concessions on the Kampar Peninsula.