In fulfilling the basic data related to mammal diversity in Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) in Kampar Peninsula, a survey had been conducted to identify and describe the latest condition of mammal diversity, its potentials, and its threats. The existence of key animal, especially mammals can be used as the benchmark of ecosystem health within the landscape.
Kampar Peninsula Peat Swamp Forest is one of the remaining peat swamp forests in Riau province and plays an important role in our life, such as hydrological functions and serving as a carbon reserve. This area is managed with a comprehensive ecosystem management which includes its vegetation. This study aimed to understand the vegetation structure and species composition in peat swamp forest of the Kampar Peninsula under the Riau Ecosystem Restoration area.
Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER) is a conservation collaboration between the public and private sector for the activity of restoration and conservation in Kampar Peninsula on an ecologically high valued peat swamp forest. Therefore, it is important to conduct survey and study about birds in Peat Swamp Forest of Kampar Peninsula for having the basic information of biodiversity in the region. The objective of bird survey is to identify and describe the latest condition of the habitat, diversity, along with its potentials and its threats.
Extensive amphibians and reptiles survey were conducted in three concessions under the Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) which are PT. CGN (20.265 ha), PT. SMN (32.830 ha) and PT. TBOT (39.412 ha) from May to December 2015. The objective of this survey was to identify and describe amphibians and reptiles diversity as well as the threat they are facing.
Biodiversity surveys using camera trap have been undertaken during March-December 2015 in three APRIL concession areas, namely PT. GCN, PT. SMN and PT. TBOT. These surveys aimed to provide a reliable biodiversity baseline data across the determined concession areas.
A biodiversity survey, using camera-traps, was carried out from September 2020 to February 2021 in PT Global Alam Nusantara. This survey is a continuation and completion of surveys in Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER) that was initiated in 2015 that aims to provide reliable biodiversity baseline data in the 130,095 ha Riau Ecosystem Restoration program area located on the Kampar Peninsula in Sumatra.
An extensive avifauna survey was conducted in Global Alam Nusantara (PT GAN) between March-July 2021. This survey is a continuation and completion of avifauna surveys initiated in 2015 that aimed to provide reliable baseline biodiversity data in the 130,095 ha Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) program area located on the Kampar Peninsula. The avifauna survey aimed to identify and describe the current state of avifauna diversity and its threats. Data collection used the point count and the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) methods on 12 transects spread across the concession area of Global Alam Nusantara (GAN) detected 96 species belonging to 34 families.
Kampar Peninsula Peat Swamp Forest (PSF) is one of the remaining intact PSF of Sumatra located in Riau Province and plays an important role to our life, such as regulating climate and hydrological functions, as well as reserving a huge amount of Carbon. The 36,524 ha PT GAN concession is part of this intact PSF, managed as an Ecosystems Restorations concession. This study aimed to understand the vegetation structure and its species composition, also the tree diversity of GAN PSF in order to develop management recommendations.
An extensive mammal survey was conducted in Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) concession of PT Global Alam Nusantara (PT GAN) between March and August 2021. This survey is a continuation and completion of mammal surveys initiated in 2015 that aimed to provide reliable biodiversity baseline data in the 130,095 ha RER program area located on the Kampar Peninsula.
An extensive herpetofauna survey was carried out in PT Global Alam Nusantara (GAN) from March to July 2021. The survey aimed to identify and describe herpetofauna diversity and its threats and is a continuation and completion of surveys in Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER) that was initiated in 2015 that aims to provide reliable biodiversity baseline data in the 130,095 ha Riau Ecosystem Restoration program area located on the Kampar Peninsula in Sumatra. A total of 36 species (9 amphibians and 27 reptiles) were recorded using Visual Encounter Survey (VES) methods.